REUNION:  45 years -- September 13-14,2002

Friday night was at Dick Hemmy's Northstar Court reception hall (713 N. 11th).
Saturday morning we met at the high school concourse for a continental breakfast (9 am)

   and a building tour, then split into various activities (Rolling Hills Refruge, Smoky Hill Vineyards).
Late Saturday afternoon was mostly several floating gab session.
Saturday evening (6:30 pm) was the banquet at the Salina Country Club.

91 classmates attended with 146 total reservations.

Reunion Committee: Sandy (Wise) Giersch, Sharon (Lockard) Becker, Anne (Sawaya) Scuitte, Jeanette (Turner) Becker, Sharon (Heatwole) Foiles, Kay (Crouthers) Whitaker, LeRoy Schmidt, Chuck DeLaney, Gary Winslow and Charles Reboul.


(There was no group photo at this reunion.)

HELP!  By popular demand, we have tried to identify everyone in all the reunion photos.

We know there are omissions and errors.  Please send in corrections to Phil at

Credits for the photos are in parentheses and italics.


Up to this reunion, almost all the photos submitted for the web site could be shown.  For this reunion, there are hundreds of photos

and only a small selection can be shown.  If you'd like all the photos, drop Phil a note and you can have them all on a CD-ROM for free.



                  Liz                          Mary                    Coni     (Sharon Heatwole)        Connie (Pollard)    Sharon (Peterson)   Linda (Hutchings)  (Linda)



              Mary Gay               Betty              Coni         (Phil)                         Dick                 LeRoy                 Jim                     Charles  (Sharon Heatwole)



                  Phyllis                    Pat      Cynthia           (Carol Sue)            Karen  Jeanette  Beverly   Rosie   Nita   Janie    Carol Sue   Marsha  (Carol Sue)



                                                            Concourse                      (Phil)                                    Edingtons        Notherns   (?)



           Bev              Marsha            Janie   Carol Sue  Sandra                           Sharon     (Pat Lawrence)              Sandi (Neals)     Paul Guillette    (Phil)

                     Rosie        Nita            Karen    Jeanette  (Carol Sue)



                              Allene         Mary Gay                    Ann           (Phil)                                        Hanna                       Pris   (Sharon Heatolwe)



              Nita       John        Bev             Janie        Jeanette (Linda Hutchings)                        Dan               Rosie             Bev            Jeanette    (Phil)



           Bev Ardyn Jane Rosie Nita Karen Dan Jeanette Annie Phil   (Phil)                                      John                                   Loren     (Phil)



             Annie                          Nita                       Beverly      (Ardyn)          Annie       Bev    Jeanette        Rosie                  Dan             Janie  (Ardyn)



           Dan             Phil                           Dan             Pat      (Pat Lawrence)                  Myrna                       Carol Sue           (?)


                       Ardyn                  Elsie    (Sharon Heatolwe)              Myrna (?)              Allene     (Phil)      Class Officers:  Dan  Betty  Loren   (Rosie)



         Carol Sue      Rosie            Marsha          Judy Edington  (Carol Sue)                            John                   Jerry          (Rosie)



                   Pris             Mary Kay              Bill                Elsie    (?)                          Jim                                  Evan                               Hanna   (Phil)



                           Sheri            (Phil)                                             Sharon                 Charlene   (Linda Hutchings)           Patti?  Sandi  (Phil)



             LeRoy                    Bob                  Gary                   Roger  (Linda Hutchings)                            Marlene (Joneses)               Liz   (Phil)